



Saturday, August 27, 2016

5 Reasons to Stop Wearing Bras For Good

Over the past few years, we’ve seen numerous feminist hashtag movements crop up, including #FreeTheNipple, which was a campaign that promoted equality for women regarding having to cover their breasts in settings where men were allowed to be shirtless.

We’ve seen mounting evidence that wearing a bra actually has negative side effects on one’s health, and that not wearing one should be considered best practice.

We’ve also heard stories from women who hate bras simply because of the way they are. Like Gina Florio, who writes in her article for Bustle:

“As soon as I strapped on that first beige undergarment, a hatred began to fester within me. The pinching underwire, the itchy tags, and the impossible-to-clasp plastic hooks — I wondered how any human being could allow themselves to be so burdened for the rest of their life. But I wore the thing anyway, day in and day out, to school and to dance class, internally griping and moaning all the while.”

So, whether you’re ditching the bra for a cause or simply because you hate having to wear them, here are five good reasons to get rid of your bras for good:

They’re not “better” for the health of your breasts

Bras have been a standard thing for women in the Western world for quite some time now, making it the norm.

However, a 15-year study on 330 women between the ages of 18 and 35 conducted at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire in Bensancon, France, found that women who ditched their bras actually gained a 0.3 inch lift in their nipples when compared to women who continued to wear bras.

You can never find one that actually fits perfectly

When we see underwear and lingerie models, they’ve got your typical hourglass figure and shape, which, as I’m sure you know, not every woman has. So, unless you have a specific body type, most of these garments just simply aren’t going to fit like they should or look like they should.

They’re expensive
Something that girls learn earlier on than boys is that being a woman is much, much more expensive than being a man. In fact, it’s been found that women will spend over $18,000 on feminine hygiene products, like tampons, panty liners, pain relievers, etc. And they pay morefor razors, deodorant, and things like haircuts and clothing.

A decent bra costs anywhere from $30 to $50, so even if you want a different one for each day of the week, you’re looking at $200 to $400. And that’s every six months, as recommended.

Women should have a choice

Even if you’re fine with wearing bras and they’ve never given you much reason for change, try it out! Give them a break, set them free for a week or so and see how you like it. Notice the absence of underwire and itchy tags. At least you can say that you’ve done both, because you should have the option.

Not wearing one make a person more body positive

The cold hard truth is that the world doesn’t care what your ascribed characteristics are, if you don’t fit in, you might catch hell for it every now and then.

Our world is saturated with media depicting perfect women with perfectly round breasts and impressive cleavage (most of which have been doctored with a computer). Which can be damaging for those people who feel they must fit into the cookie-cutter mold of what’s considered ‘perfect.’

If you get criticized for not wearing a bra because of how it makes you look, it’s obviously going to harm your self-image. Ditching bras and embracing the naturalness of your body is to leave self-loathing and the lack of self-confidence behind.

Who cares if your boobs don’t resemble Scarlett Johansson’s, learn to love who you are and the world will open up to you.

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