



Friday, September 16, 2016


Engaging in professional sports in general is a serious physical commitment, and there is arguably no sport more taxing on the human body than American football. The sport revolves around strategizing to find openings in a barrage of physical contact that, for the most part, is being delivered by an individual who weighs (on average) around 250 pounds.

For those raised on the traditional beliefs regarding strength and nutrition, the NFL certainly sounds like no place for a vegan. But this couldn’t be further from the truth, and Chicago Bears defensive lineman David Carter is living proof of this. Weighing in at 300 pounds, David is a fearsome athlete that can stand toe-to-toe with every traditional meat eater the league has to offer.

So what inclined David to go vegan in the first place? Like so many others, it was for dietary and health reasons.

Earlier in his career, David struggled with tendonitis, arthritis, nerve damage, and muscle fatigue, along with a dislocated finger that never healed correctly. All of these issues rectified themselves once David made the transition to a vegan diet.

Having always been pretty familiar with alternative dietary choices, due in large part to his wife being a vegetarian for 5 years before he himself made the switch, David was much more open to trying something new. And after watching the popular documentary Forks Over Knives, which I personally am a huge fan of, David made the switch and has never looked back.

So what exactly does a day in the life of a 300 pound vegan NFL player look like food-wise? Let’s check it out…

A Day In The Life Of David

Breakfast: Oatmeal with hemp protein, bananas and berries

Snack 1: 20 ounce smoothie (cannellini beans, banana, strawberries & spirulina)

Lunch: Brown rice and black beans with avocado and cashew cheese

Snack 2: 20 ounce smoothie

Lunch 2: Brown rice and black beans with avocado and cashew cheese

Snack 3: 20 ounce smoothie

Dinner: Couscous with onion and garlic, spinach salad with bell peppers

Snack 4: 20 ounce smoothie

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